Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Another glimpse of the real "Messiah"

So the real Obama comes out again. Remember the whole everyone under 250000 get a tax cut, yeah well thats changed. Just the other day he said anyone with a job and under 200000. you need a job and make 200000 now. Now Joe Biden has said its tax cuts for the middle class who make under 150000...hahahahaha...they cant stop. Socialism, creep down economics, global crisis, judges who make decisions off their own feelings, ridicuously insane foreign goes on and on and on. like my friend said, they arent making mistakes they are just telling the truth. All you have to is have the brain capacity of a fly to realize that this man will destroy this nation and what it stands for. This is the most important and crucial decision this country may ever face and there are people who i talk to that have no clue what his stances are or what socialism is, or anything about his past. WOW...they just think change and see the mans smile and fall all over themselves. This is the most hidden man ever in politics...the media asks no questions of him and if they do ask a tough question that makes them uncomfortable then they throw that reporter and station or paper under the bus and refuse interviews...just awnser the damn questions!!!!!!!! America needs to know the real Obama...not the glittering outer self that just wants to lie and coherse his way into the oval office. God help this country if this man takes office...and when I say God help this country I really am praying for help.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Taxes! Taxes! Taxes!

So the closer we come to the election the more anxious i get. I belive in McCain but Obama still looks strong, but i hope people will be able to see through ridiculous plans. Yes, everyone uder $250,000 will get tax cuts but small businesses wont. Well some will, like Wangs Dry Cleaning or Jorges Lawn Service, but the small business that make up 90% of the jobs in america will not. This means that companies will close or cut employess. This means that thousands of qworkers will lose jobs. That is not what this country needs in this financial crisis. I mean if he was smart then why the hell would you raise any freaking taxes with the stock market. I also cant believe how much of a socialist he is. He wants to spread the wealth. That just means any successful business man will be taxed like crazy just to hand out freaking welfare checks. Thats just stupid, and anyone who thinks you wont be affected let me ask you this, do you shop? Do you buy gas? Do you have a job? Well then these stupid tax cuts means nothing cause taxes will just drive prices up and salaries and jobs down. Change! Everyone wants Change, but why change when it will destroy this county! Yet, ignorant and unknowing people will flock to the polls to vote for one of the worst presiendents this country will ever see!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Ignorant Liberal Media

It amazes me how biased and hypocritcal the media has become. The media has always been more liberal but now its getting out of control. Chris Matthews on MSNBC devoted 20 mins of his show to debating the cost of Sarah Palins clothes and was making a huge deal out of it. Are you kidding me?!? Clothes!!! They attack the way she looks and how she talks. That matters? I guess to them its more important than Joe Biden promising a global crisis if Obama is elected, because the world wants to test Obamas inexperience. Biden is making continuous blunders on major issues and all the media wants to talk about is clothes. FREACKING CLOTHES!!! The media blows off issues like Obamas radical associations and inexperrience saying that the economy is the real issue, yet I guess clothes trumps even the economy. So, a vote for McCain Palin is a vote for expensive clothes and different accent, and a vote for Obama/Biden is a vote for socialism, inexperience, and global crisis. You be the judge!

First Blog

Hello everyone, this my new blog. My name is Shawn and I have many pent up feelings, from the election to life in geneal. This is my place of release and for me to convey my extensive knowledge. So I will just start this off by saying I am a conservative Republican and support John McCain. I just cant understand how people can be snowed over by Barack Obama. The man will run this geat country straight into the ground. His government spending and ridiculous tax plan will collapse this frail economy. My hope is that people will come to their senses and see Obamafor who he is, the most liberal and inept man to ever run for office. Country First!!! McCain/Palin 08!